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Friday, 19 November 2021

Hirday Men Ik Jot Jali Hai - Ghazal by Shakeeb Ahmad

 Read in Urdu (Perso-Arabic) script here.


Apna man dukhiyaara kaisa, apana haal to aisa hai

Hirday mein ik jot jali hai jisne tan-man phoonka hai 

Prem nagar mein ik din mein aa nikala tha bhoola bhatka 

Khud ko bhool chuka hoon tab se, jag bhi saara bhoola hai 

Kitnee kaThin hai prem pareeksha, prem hua to kis se hua 

Apne aap ko sabse chhupa ke jisne chain ko loota hai 

Is sansaar mein sab hai tumhaara laikin preet ke taapu par 

Tum ke viyog mein jo dukh bhoge us ka maza to mera hai 

Sufi mulla sant pujaari vird vazeefe sab kuchh hech 

Preetam ke jalve ke aage yaaro sab kuchh pheeka hai 

Main bhee maala pher raha tha us ik naam kee barson se 

Ashkon kee maala pe japa tab naam vo dil mein utra hai 

Man to bahut hai naat likhoonga pyaar se us ko gaaunga 

Lekin tumne mujh kambakht ko is qaabil kab samjha hai 

Poochh raha hoon basti-basti aankhon mein ummeed lie 

Ek Shakeeb Ahmad hota tha tumne us ko dekha hai


अपना मन दुखियारा कैसा, अपना हाल तो ऐसा है

हृदय में इक जोत जली है जिसने तन-मन फूँका है

प्रेम नगर में इक दिन में आ निकला था भूला भटका

ख़ुद को भूल चुका हूँ तब से, जग भी सारा भूला है

कितनी कठिन है प्रेम परीक्षा, प्रेम हुआ तो किस से हुआ

अपने आपको सबसे छुपा के जिसने चैन को लूटा है

इस संसार में सब है तुम्हारा लैकिन प्रीत के टापू पर

तुम के वियोग में जो दुख भोगे उस का मज़ा तो मेरा है

सूफ़ी मुल्ला संत पुजारी विर्द वज़ीफ़े सब कुछ हेच

प्रीतम के जल्वे के आगे यारो सब कुछ फीका है

मैं भी माला फेर रहा था उस इक नाम की बरसों से

अश्कों की माला पे जपा तब नाम वो दिल में उतरा है

मन तो बहुत है नात लिखूँगा प्यार से उस को गाऊँगा

लेकिन तुमने मुझ कम्बख़्त को इस क़ाबिल कब समझा है

पूछ रहा हूँ बस्ती-बस्ती आँखों में उम्मीद लिए

एक शकीब अहमद होता था तुमने उस को देखा है


Hirday (हृदय): दिल  | heart
Prem Pariksha (प्रेम परीक्षा): मुहब्बत का इम्तेहान | test of love
Sansaar (संसार): दुनिया | world
Preet (प्रीत): मुहब्बत, प्यार | love
Taapu (टापू): जज़ीरा  | island
Viyog (वियोग): जुदाई, फ़िराक, हिज्र | separation from beloved
Dukh Bhogna (दुख भोगना): ग़म काटना, तकलीफ उठाना | to labor, to suffer
Preetam (प्रीतम): मेहबूब | beloved

Friday, 17 September 2021

Teri Muhabbat Ka Jaam Pi Kar - Ghazal by Shakeeb Ahmad

To read in Urdu (Perso-Arabic script), click here

Teri Muhabbat Ka Jaam Pi Kar - Ghazal by Shakeeb Ahmad


Shakeeb Ahmad
(November, 2019)


Teri muhabbat ka jaam pi kar hamaara chehra damak raha hai
Ab is mein dil ka qusoor kaisa jo be-iraada bahak raha hai

Vo hashr-saamaan qareeb hai aur ajeeb mushkil bani hai dil par
Ham us se nazren chura rahe hain vo be-hijaabaana tak raha hai

Ham aise be-dhyaan ko tujhe mil ke yoon to saalon guzar chuke hain
Hamaare kaanon mein aaj bhi tera shoKh lehja khanak raha hai

Kise khabar thi ki daf'atan ho chalega baahar vo dastaras se
Hamen to hairat hai ab bhee kaise ye dil hamaara dhaRak raha hai

Labon pe phir hasb-e-aadat aai hai muskuraahat dabi dabi si
Gale mein phir be-sabab koi aansuon ka phanda aTak raha hai

Taveel muddat se gham hamaara bhi thak gaya hoga qaid-e-dil mein
So ab bilaakhir sukoon hai kuchh ki qatra-qatra Tapak raha hai

Shakeeb saahab! Bahot suna tha ke aap hain ism-ba-musamma
Ye kya hua phir ke aaj yoon sabr ka piyaala chhalak raha hai

(Scroll for meanings)

Teri Muhabbat Ka Jaam Pi Kar - Ghazal by Shakeeb Ahmad


तेरी मुहब्बत का जाम पी कर हमारा चेहरा दमक रहा है
अब इस में दिल का क़ुसूर कैसा जो बे-इरादा बहक रहा है

वो हश्र-सामाँ क़रीब है और अजीब मुश्किल बनी है दिल पर
हम उस से नज़रें चुरा रहे हैं वो बे-हिजाबाना तक रहा है

हम ऐसे बे-ध्यान को तुझे मिल के यूं तो सालों गुज़र चुके हैं
हमारे कानों में आज भी तेरा शोख़ लहजा खनक रहा है

किसे ख़बर थी कि दफ़अतन हो चलेगा बाहर वो दस्तरस से
हमें तो हैरत है अब भी कैसे ये दिल हमारा धड़क रहा है

लबों पे फिर हस्ब-ए-आदत आई है मुस्कुराहट दबी-दबी सी
गले में फिर बेसबब कोई आँसूओं का फंदा अटक रहा है

तवील मुद्दत से ग़म हमारा भी थक गया होगा कैद-ए-दिल में
सो अब बिलआख़िर सुकून है कुछ कि क़तरा-क़तरा टपक रहा है

शकीब साहब बहुत सुना था कि आप हैं इस्म-बा-मुसम्मा
ये क्या हुआ फिर कि आज यूं सब्र का पियाला छलक रहा है


Hashr-saamaan (हश्र-सामाँ): the one who make rampage, the one who create uproar | उथल-पुथल करने वाला, हंगामा खड़ा करने वाला
Be-hijaabaana (बे-हिजाबाना): unveiled, openly, without coyness, without hesitationपर्दा उठाये हुए, निसंकोच, बिना झिझक के
ShoKh (शोख़): playful, mischievous, cheerful | छबीला, सुंदर, निडर
Dastras (दस्तरस): approach, reach | पहुँच, रसाई
Hasb-e-aadat (हस्ब-ए-आदत ): As per habit | आदत के मुताबिक़
Be-sabab (बेसबब): unnecessarily, without a reason | बिना कारण, बेवजह
Ism-ba-musamma (इस्म-बा-मुसम्मा): eponymous, aptly named, name in which quality is also reflected | जिस का नाम उसके गुण और विशेषताओं के अनुसार हो, 'जैसा नाम वैसा काम' उसका सटीक उदाहरण है

Friday, 28 May 2021

People I listen to...

Over the years, many have asked me to suggest what to read, watch and listen to which will benefit them. For the books, I've started writing reviews about the ones which I like. 

Here, I've listed all the channels I've been listening to. The list is not complete and subject to updates. Also, names are not in any particular order.

— Shakeeb

Note: Obviously, I don't agree with everything a speaker promotes.

Philosophy, Psychology & Logic

Prof. Jordan Peterson

Steven Crowder


Adam Ruins Everything

Ben Shapiro

Ahmad Javaid


Jim Browning



Mojahed Fudailat (UFC Animations)

Bad Lip Reading

Patriot Act (Hassan Minhaj)

Obayd Fox (Ar+En Vlogs)

Karan Singh Magic

Shaheer Khan

Dawood Savage

        DIY Perks

IT & Programming

Two Minute Papers

Code Bullet



Ben Awad

The Net Ninja

Srinivas Tamada

Graphic Designing

Mohamed Achraf

Logos by Nick


Dhruv Rathi

Maulana Sajjad Noumani

ScoopWhoop Unscripted

Shahbaz Ansar (ThePrint)

The Deshbhakt

Dawah & Comparative Religion

Sheikh Ahmad Deedat

Dr. Zakir Naik

Mohammad Hijab (and group)

Mufti Yasir Nadeem Al Wajidi

Maulana Kaleem Siddiqi

The Muslim Skeptic

Islam, Quran & Jurisprudence

Peer Zulfiqar Naqshbandi

Nouman Ali Khan

Mufti Tariq Masood

Maulana Manzoor Mengal (Tafseer Classes)

Maulana Makki Al-Hijazi

Dr. Israr Ahmad

Youth Club

Hanafi Fiqh

Salahuddin Saifi Naqshbandi

Mufti Saeed Khan

Scholarly Subtitles (Arabic content translated)

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Hamare Paas Yahi Ik Sawaal Rakkha Hai - Ghazal by Shakeeb Ahmad

To read in Urdu (Perso-Arabic script), click here.


Shakeeb Ahmad
From: Writings of Haramain, 2020


Zara sa rukh pe jo huzn-o-malaal rakkha hai 
Ise to ham ne bataur-e-misaal rakkha hai 

Nigaah-e-tishna faqat poochhti hai aapse "kab?" 
Hamaare paas yahee ik savaal rakkha hai 

Kamaal hai, ki bas airaaz-e-lan-taraani se 
Hamaare jaise divaanon ko Taal rakkha hai 

Niqaab-e-rukh ko ulatiye, ke is ki shokhi ne
Hamen ajeeb si uljhan mein daal rakkha hai 

Kabhi to khatm bhi hoga ye imtihaan-e-Shakeeb 
Isi umeed ne dil ko sanbhaal rakkha hai

(Scroll for meanings)



ज़रा सा रुख़ पे जो हुज़न-ओ-मलाल रक्खा है
उसे तो हमने बतौर-ए-मिसाल रक्खा है

निगाह्-ए-तिश्ना फ़क़त पूछती है आपसे "कब?"
हमारे पास यही इक सवाल रक्खा है

कमाल है, कि बस  ऐराज़-ए-लन-तरानी से
हमारे जैसे दिवानों को टाल रक्खा है

निक़ाब-ए-रुख़ को उलटिये, कि इस की शोख़ी ने
हमें अजीब सी उलझन में डाल रक्खा है

कभी तो ख़त्म भी होगा ये इम्तिहान-ए-शकीब
इसी उमीद ने दिल को सँभाल रक्खा है



Rukh (रुख़): Face , चेहरा

Huzn-o-malaal (हुज़न-ओ-मलाल): Sorrow , घम और अफ़्सोस

Nigaah-e-tishna (निगाह्-ए-तिश्ना): Desirous eye , प्यसी नजर

Airaaz-e-lan-taraani (ऐराज़-ए-लन-तरानी): Evasion (from showing His face) saying Lan Taraani translated "You can not see Me!", Al Quran, 7, Al-A'raaf:143 , लन-तरानी (तुम मुझे नहीं देख सकते! अल-क़ुरआन ७، अल-आराफ़:१४३) कह कर अपना दीदार कराने से गुरेज़ और इजतिनाब करना , अस्वीकार करना


Friday, 12 March 2021

App Release: OneSignal Push Manager - Secure & Free (Android+Web)

OneSignal Push Manager - Secure & Free (Android)
OneSignal Push Manager - Secure & Free
This app helps you manage your app credentials and provides intuitive UI for sending the notifications to your users.


Android app to manage & send push notifications via OneSignal


  • Manage all your apps
  • Stores all your credentials in your phone
  • Offline storage, open-source and hence trustworthy
  • CRUD for app info with lovely UI
  • Simple notepad to save other necessary stuff
  • Send notifications to any of your apps, in any segment
  • From simple heading + message notifs to fancy ones, with icon, banner and extra data to pass-in the app (useful for deeplinks)

User Guide

  1. Get your "App ID" and "REST API Key" from OneSignal Dashboard.
  2. It is recommended by OneSignal NOT to save API key anywhere, therefore our app doesn't save it by default. It's optional.
  3. In the "APPS" section of our app (Push Manager), make a list of app names and IDs.
  4. In the "SEND NEW" section, fill the details and send in a segment of your choice.
  5. Button 1 can be used to send in a segment named 'Test', which you can configure from OneSignal Dashboard for your test devices.
  6. Button 2 can be used to send in a segment named 'All'.
  7. Button 3 can be used to send in any custom segment.
  8. Notepad can be used to jot down & save other necessary stuff.
  9. Profit?

Questions, suggessions and contributions are welcome.

The app is also available as a webapp for testing purposes here:

Shakeeb Ahmad


Thursday, 31 December 2020

My New Year Resolution for 2021

 Off you go 2020! Quite a year it was, wasn't it? 

It started with the best thing happened to me till date, the journey to the Holy cities of Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia, for 'Umrah. It was overwhelmingly wholesome. Alhamdulillaah! [1] I'm yet to document the experience, but I do have the poetry ready, which you will see on the blogs soon.

Then just about a month later, the covid pandemic started and finally the lock-down. Ramazan [2] came and went by, we couldn't offer prayers in the mosques. Eid-ul-fitr was same. So was Eid-ul-Azha. [3] Sad sad times those were. 

It did bring some positive changes too. We had a lot of free time. People actually started working on things they were passionate about. 


First of all, note that making resolution DOES help. 10/10 recommended. It keeps you focused. It gives you a list to work on. It tells you where to concentrate your efforts. 

When you make one, it might not seem realistic at first, even to yourself. Rather, specially to yourself. But the motivation and consistency it provides easily make you more productive than you were before. 

The key is being motivated. They say, around 90% of people who make resolutions drop them by the end of January. You don't want to be one of them. 


Even when a lot of things which were in the resolution of 2020 are still in pending, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I did finish off. 

The only thing I miserably lagged in was "writing" stuff. I put more effort in development and left the actual writing behind. I miss it. 


  • Releasing new apps consistently, many of which are in the queue right now, about ready for production
  • Hifz (Memorizing Quran)
  • Publishing book-reviews on blogs
  • Finishing incomplete Novel, Translations, Books/Booklets etc.
  • Magazines - Sarbakaf and Personal Bi-Weekly
  • Publishing Videos
  • Interviews
  • Portals Management
  • + Resolutions from last year

Last Words

As I'm writing this, the third decade of the 21st century is on the verge of knocking the doors of times - bringing joys and cries, hope and despair, turning the pages of  everyone's destiny. 

I don't know what this new year will bring, but I am nothing but my dreams. I will continue chasing after them.



[1] Alhamdulillah - An expression loosely equivalent to "Thank God", used for gratification/achievement. See Alhamdulillah.

[2] Ramazan is considered a holy month, 9th month as per Islamic Hijri calendar, which is observed worldwide as a month of fasting. See Ramadan.

[3] Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha are the 2 major Muslim festivals celebrated worldwide.

iPhone Users! Here's a Web App for Qaafiyah Expert


If you are in a hurry, here's the link to Qaafiyah Expert - Web:

The Web App and its Journey

Right from the beginning when I launched an android app for Qaafiyah Expert (an app to assist Urdu poets with rhymes, meter, dictionary, diary, designing and much more), people were requesting the same for iPhone users. As I was using the cross-platform approach for the app, building the same thing for iPhone wouldn't have taken so long. But the problem was, apple AppStore's pricing. I couldn't afford it. Well, most of us can't.

Anyway, after some research on pricings, I decided to go for a PWA (Progressive Web App), which is an installable app, but you don't need to pay a single penny to Google or Apple whatsoever. 

It does bring some drawbacks, but there are alternatives for most of the incompatible native-app functionalities. For a naïve user though, PWAs and native Android/ios apps are indistinguishable. For instance:

  • Visiting a Progressive Web App asks you to "Add it to Home Screen", which is alternative to "Installing an app"
  • It does have an icon, just like a native app
  • It can work offline using service workers etc.
This PWA for Qaafiyah Expert had been hosted on my domain '' for quite a while now, as you can see in the "first commit" here. But some of the features were not working as expected, so I didn't announce it "officially." Now that the android app has been completely rewired, performance is improved and speed is optimized, I decided to use the new code-base, modified it for the web-app and deployed it. iPhone users can now finally use this app.

If you are an android user though, I strongly recommend the android version, which has some cool extra features and obvious UX advantages.

Once again, here's the link to the web-app:

Qaafiyah Expert - Live Demo

Hope this will assist in your poetry-writing journey. 

Rab raakha! 👋