Note: This is not yet available for non-programmers. Soon I'll make an easy-to-use version for all, iA.
This scraper with Node.js works for both prose and poetry. Check the GitHub repo for installation instructions.
You would need a text file with all the links you want to download the contents from. To get the list of links, you could manually collect all which interests you, or use the following to scrape all links from an author/poet page.
Bookmarklets - One Click Solution to get the links etc.
Rekhta loads 50 links at a time, and if user scrolls, it adds more content to the DOM. This extra fetch has not been automated in my code yet. (Well I tried, but parsing it wasted so much time that I preferred using manual scroll. Just let the page load, then press "end" on your keyboard. Wait for a moment, it will add all the remaining links.)
Anyway, once you have the complete list on the page, you can use the bookmarklets below to copy all of them with a click.
I've been testing this in browser console for a while now, i.e. open browser console, then paste the script, then change the page text to only what I need, then select and copy them manually.
Later on I decided to use magic of bookmarklets to automate these tasks I've been doing repeatedly:
- Copy all the links from the Poet/Author page.
- For LitUrdu specifically, turn them into an "object" with required properties (title, author, link, description, text) and copy it.
- Use the "object" to automatically fill-in text-boxes on new Blogger post.
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